Add-on Website Features

Features enhance the user experience for your web site visitors.

shows add-ons of custom headers on each page of website

Custom Headers - There are three types of headers: static, clickable, and multimedia that appear animated.

Custom Graphics - There are two types of graphics: animated and multimedia

shows multimedia on websites we have created for clients

Animated .gifs for splash landing pages, as website features or in ads.
Animated Rollovers made from custom graphics that change when the mouse rolls over them.

Using Videos on Social Media for Search Engine Marketing

Videos get uploaded to Facebook and search engine optimization keywords and keyword phrases support getting higher rankings. Then they get shared with links to your website.

Social Media Integrations on Website

Your posts from your social media accounts can automatically feed onto your website with embedded code. This is a good way to keep people on your website instead of sending them off to la la land to get lost watching viral videos!
Embedded Social Media Feed
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