The United States Postal Service (USPS) does direct mail to every address within one route or multiple routes for only .198¢ per delivery!
So, now you can customize a Direct Mail Campaign that accomplishes your goals within even the smallest budget. Here are some important details about direct mail marketing to help guide you through your direct mail campaign. Direct Mailers are an excellent way to not only advertise to the person who gets the mail, but also every other person who sees that mailer along its journey through the mail too! On average, at least 4 people will get that branding of your company postcard or brochure, so times that four by hundreds or thousands for each mailing you do!
Direct mail increases traffic to your website, increases your projected sales, and it gives branded impressions of your business to 1,600+ eyes with every order!
Great marketing starts, first and foremost, with excellent marketing design. A lot of people can use a computer and many have the skills to use the programs, but can they SELL YOUR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES with outstanding design that shows you off as better than your competition, uses the imperatively proper keywords that sell your products and services, and uses the psychology of color with the proven successes of the layout and styles, marketing terminology, and catches them in time for their very short attention span to remember you?
Did you know that the human attention span is not 2 seconds less than a goldfish's?!
You can't afford to waste money on a generic Graphic Designer. You get what you pay for and you need a professional with 24 years of marketing experience with this talent and education so that you don't throw away all that money you spend on direct mailers.
Design is what sells your products and services, so hire the best Graphic Designer with the marketing experience to bring in sales, so that your money is well-invested.
We offer wholesale printing prices to design clients. This means that instead of paying any other printer retail marked up pricing, which is often 3x more than the printing should actually cost, you can save all that money by working with ikanikon as your Print Broker.
We use only the best industry-only wholesale printers who print the tangibles you get from places like your local printers who don't have the equipment or staff in-house to cover every type of printing project, so they have to outsource a lot of their printing, and other businesses that created some in-house printing, like Staples. A Print Broker shops the industry for the best quality at the lowest pricing and can extend those rates to you.
In ikanikon's case, we also offer the Graphic Design, Print Production Graphic Design, and industry knowledge that gets you the techniques that save you even more money, because we have those connections and the training to make you awesome printed tangibles while also saving you a fortune!
Another important thing you need to know about how printing works is this; The more you order, the less you pay per printed piece.
This is because the biggest expense of printing is in the set up, for time and money. When you order 100 postcards, it takes the same amount of work to set up the job as it does to set up to print 10,000 postcards. The only added expenses between these two jobs is in the paper and ink and the time to load them. The design fees also get offset by ordering more, so overall you save a lot of money by ordering as many as you can at one time. The cutoffs are shown in the quotes below.
The USPS has a minimum of 200 addresses per mailing, so that means you need to order at least 200 printed tangibles and you save more by ordering in bigger bulk with printing, and cannot exceed 5,000 mailpieces per mailing.
Plus, you should keep some to hand out to people too. So keep that in mind as you are ordering your quantity. Here is a link to the USPS website that allows you to customize the route(s) you want per each zip code, part of the state, street in a town.
You can sign up and save your searches so that whenever you are ready, you don't have to start all over again figuring out where you want to mail to.
Town Center Virginia Beach
Pembroke Virginia Beach
Virginia Beach
Norfolk, Virginia
Portsmouth, Virginia
Newport News, Virginia
Hampton, Virginia