Are you a chatty Cathy or a know it all Nate with a friendly personality? Do you aspire to use your positive energy to help keep jobs and money locally inside America while helping people? Then we need you!
You don't have to work full-time to make money as if you have a job. You don't even have to leave your house if you don't want to! You can work remotely, work from home, and make money easily. We pay 10% for every referral to anyone who sends work our way. No worries! You don't need anything but your charming personality interacting with others. Now you can get paid to just be your awesome self! How great is that?
How to get paid
The process is really simple!
You talk to people in person, on the phone, and/or online who express interest in starting a business, getting ranked on the top of hundreds of search engines organically forever, printing, graphic design or maybe they are in the need zone for a hard-working affordable and beautiful web site...
After you talk to them and they seem like they might contact us, visit this website, call the phone number, or send us smoke signals...
Then you simply let us know that person's name, and whenever they order from us, you get paid 10% of their order!
People always want to know how this can possibly be real because it sounds too good to be true, so here are the nitty gritty details: You really do get paid 10% of every penny we make gross off any referral you send to us. You get paid as soon as we get paid.
• If the client pays 100% up front for their $25,000 project, then you really DO get paid $2,500 the minute that cash is in hand, via whatever payment method you tell us you want to get paid by.
• If they pay $500 as their Retainer Down Payment and then pay $100 per month for 1 year, then you get paid $50 as soon as cash is in hand and you also get paid $10 every month they make that monthly payment.
This has been the way we get business since the beginning and it's always going to be our way because referrals are the best way to get clients and Superbowl advertising is way more expensive than a friendly smile!
Here's a link for your referrals to make an appointment
Here's a link to claim your referral fee. Please fill out our form with your contact information and put the business or person's name that you are referring and your preferred payment method in the comments section of your email. When the person contacts us, you will get your referral.
Referrals to ikanikon
Are you wondering, "how can I make money fast?" Contact us to learn how to make money, work from home, how to work from home, remote jobs, remote job, work from home, ways to make money from anywhere. ikanikon Website Design and Marketing pays 10% for every referral! You can work from home, remote work, and make money fast.
ikanikon Web Design & Marketing serves these locations locally in Virginia Beach
We have had clients all over the U.S.A. since 1999
Town Center Virginia Beach | Pembroke Virginia Beach | Virginia Beach | Norfolk, Virginia | Portsmouth, Virginia | Newport News, Virginia | Hampton, Virginia | Chesapeake, VA | Pungo, VA | Elizabeth City, NC | Outer Banks, NC | Kitty Hawk, NC