Consent Preferences shows petroglyphs on rock wall with ikanikon logo and various Website Design and web marketing projects
ikanikon knows how to elevate your business so you can become more successful.
We provide search engine optimized Website Design and marketing. We get businesses ranked at the top of Google search engine rankings organically.


Relationship Marketing


What are schpiels

What is included for Website Design? (Part 1)

What is included with Website Design? (Part 2)

Website Design Packages

When you pay less, do you get less?

Shopping Cart Web Pages

What is the Keywords Market Research Package?


SEO Blog

Writing SEO Blog Articles

SEO Hypertargeting Web Pages

Keyword SEO Web Pages

CRM Emails

Referral Links (start of Testimonials)


Reviews on Website

Social Media Profile Development

How does Social Media Marketing work? (part 1)

SMM Calendar (part 2)

SMM Calendar (part 2b)

Social Media Marketing (part 3)

Ongoing Social Media Marketing (part 4)

YouTube Marketing Package

How do I order?

Closing Summary

Thank You Closing


Town Center, Virginia Beach 23462 ©, All Rights Reserved. Referrals | Policies & Terms of Use
Website security

Where We Work From

Website Designer Kristen Pflibsen of ikanikon Website Design & Marketing serves these locations locally as a freelance Website Designer in Virginia Beach
We have had clients all over the U.S.A. since 1999

Town Center Website Design

Pembroke Website Design

Virginia Beach Website Design

Norfolk Website Design

Portsmouth Website Design

Newport News Website Design

Hampton Roads Website Design